2017 Recap / It's 2018!

Oh my gosh. People. It's a new year!! How crazy is this?! I feel like I just wrote about last year's resolutions. 

2017 was filled with some pretty awesome adventures. Going to Worlds was definitely one of my biggest highlights because I got to shoot with some of the coolest cheerleaders in the sport and create such fun media. I am forever grateful for the opportunity to work with the CheerYourHeartOut media team, as I learned so much about business and gained a ton of life experience. I got to capture action for the third year in a row with Everything Cheer Magazine, which is one of my favorite things ever. I absolutely love shooting action! One of these days I'll have to share a picture of all of my cute media passes that I have pinned up in my room. Here is a recap on my time in the cheer industry this year. :)

In 2017, I got a new lens! So excited to finally have a f/1.8 and am obsessed with what I can create. I got to visit the Ocean of Light with my sisters and take some of the prettiest lit-up photos. I tried out light painting with sparklers and found some really creative ideas for shoots. I rediscovered Pinterest and all of the inspiration it brings. My sister had some national NPC Fitness competitions that were soo fun to watch, and we got to travel all sorts of cool places. This year I was crazy with new hairstyles and got bangs in January then donated 16 inches in December. 

2017 was the beginning of my third year at ASU. I facilitated Camp Carey over the summer, leading a group of incoming freshmen who I'd see around campus allll the time. They are so fun and I love hearing that their college experience is the best. I went to my first football game! I had tons of study parties for pretty hard classes, and was SO excited to end the semester with a 3.5+ GPA (one of my resolutions, woo!). I joined the organization Devils' Advocates, and am having the most amazing time being a campus tour guide. This year, I made some of my best friends and some of my most favorite college memories.

It is TWO THOUSAND EIGHTEEN. A new year. New goals, new beginnings, and new chances. One of my biggest reflections that I'm bringing into this year is that you create your own opportunities. In 2018, I will be traveling for pictures and making things happen. I will create my future and be original in my media. I'll find a new major in school, and hope like crazy to end up with a concurrent degree.

It's so cool because everything this year is up to yourself. The future is seriously ours to create, and that can be both exciting and terrifying. Just make things happen this year! Take more pictures. Don't wait for people to text you. Go on more adventures. Find friends who will get together. Make things happen. Remember that you might not get a second chance at everything. LIVE. This will really be one of the best years if you make it. 


Becca Clark

contact me today to book a shoot!


Feb. Update & Future Travel


The B Family